The 4th General Assembly of EUCTL took place on May 8th, held as a web conference. More than 30 participants were joining, including guests from the value chain such as ETAD (The Ecological and Toxicological Association of Dyes and Organic Pigments Manufacturers) and Cotance (Confederation of National Associations of Tanners and Dressers of the European Community).

The European Chemicals Agency have approved the application of EUCTL as ECHA's Accredited Stakeholder.

This appointment will allow EUCTL to be more directly involved in the activities of the Agency and it will also allow us to participate to the meetings of RAC (Committee for Risk Assessment), SEAC (Committee for Socio-economic Analysis) and MSC (Member States Committee). 

In Europe, a vast set of rules apply to production, placing on the market and use of chemical products, including measures and communication instruments along the value chains. One of the most prominent tools is the Safety Data Sheet. Continue reading to know more about chemicals management measures and EUCTL’s efforts in the textile and leather sector. 

EUCTL welcomes the aim of the European Commission’s Strategy on Sustainable and Circular Textiles – a systemic approach on boosting circularity in the textile value chain. However, as any regulation it should consider risk in its assessment as a key factor and not limit its focus to hazardous substances. Learn more about this in EUCTL’s position paper.

The European Commission is working at the development of the"EU strategy for sustainable textiles"A public consultation was opened from May to August 2021, to gather feedbacks on the Roadmap issued by the EC as first step in the pathway towards Strategy. In that occasion, EUCTL expressed its first views on this project.


A Proposal of a REACH Restriction for skin sensitizing chemicals contained in textiles, leather and fur articles is under scrutiny of the European Competent Authorities. EUCTL fully supports the aim of reducing the risk of allergic contact dermatitis and skin diseases for consumer, but to achieve a targeted, helpful and reasonable legislation, some fundamental amendments of the current proposal are considered necessary.